Wednesday 2 November 2011


Remember these gorgeous things that Katie Beeke at Lula makes? I photographed a few of them earlier in the year. Well, big news...Lula's going big time and is shortly to be found for sale on the brilliant It's one of my favourite shopping sites.

You might recognise my favourite little model, here! The stunningly beautiful Seven Alexis (proud Auntie!)

I had the most brilliant time selecting props for each doll. It was a collaborative process. They all had their own personalities and ideas about how they wanted to be photographed. They were very professional and didn't move an inch once they were in position!

This gorgeous doll belonged to my mum when she was a little girl. She suited Katie's hand made doll's bedding so perfectly.

So, keep a look out for Christmas shopping ideas and please do contact Katie if you're anywhere near as in love with her things as I am.

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