Tuesday 6 December 2011

Fun Family Portrait

Sophie is the first person to take advantage of my Christmas special offer and used her voucher to have a very special family portrait session at one of her sisters' house in Epping Forest.

Sophie asked me to photograph her, her four sisters and all eleven grandchildren as a gift for her mother.

The ages and personalities of the kids varied a lot but they definitely had a great sense of humour in common!

I absolutely loved photographing the kids, individually. It gave me a chance to chat to all of them (and pick up some tips on fashion and XFactor!)

After the individual portraits, we did some family group shots...including 'the big one'!

Thanks for a lovely afternoon, everyone ... and thanks for the hot pizza, deeeelish!! x

Saturday 26 November 2011

Not on the High Street

Lula Handmade is on Not on the High Street.com, it's on your desk top!

Hooray! Get shopping! x

Wednesday 16 November 2011


He's here, he's here!

Remember I photographed the beautiful, blooming Lucy in the summer? Well, I was so delighted to visit her and her brand new little baby boy at their home in Fulham on Saturday. Harvey was wide awake for most of the shoot. I found myself waiting for him to go off to sleep so that I could get my snoozy shots!

Lucy and Gary are both such natural and attentive parents. Mind you, being a nanny, Lucy has had a bit of practise!

Photographing a baby without a nappy on is a dangerous business! Luckily you can't quite tell from the photographs!

Baby Harvey is such a little miracle.

He was a dream to photograph. It's not often a 2 week old baby looks right at the camera so when he did it was a real gift. Welcome to the world, little angel.

Lucy and Gary, thank you so much for letting me take such intimate shots of you all. You can't beat the natural beauty of a tiny baby so close to his mummy and daddy. x

Sunday 13 November 2011

November Beach

Anyone who knows me and Diesel, knows that Holkham Beach is possibly our favourite place in the whole world. When we woke up this morning and the sky was blue we didn't have to think very hard about what to do with our day!

A perfect day. Just us. x

Friday 11 November 2011

Page 2!

Well, it was brilliant to be asked by Cambridge First to cover the remembrance concert at the Guild Hall in Cambridge but I never dreamed I'd make page 2!

I took the portrait of veteran, Jimmy Kemp (bottom middle picture). There are some more pictures from the event on the Cambridge First website gallery so do check them out. Thanks, Team CF!

Friday 4 November 2011

Learning from the Master!

A few weeks ago, I assisted the talented Rachel Rose at a beautiful Autumn wedding in Yarm, North Yorkshire. I've helped Rachel out on quite a few weddings since the start of my career, right from the time when I didn't know an Fstop from a Gspot!!
I took these of my friends, Nat and Mark who just happened to be guests at Katie and Paul's big day.

This week I have spent the entire week with Rachel and she's been cooking me good. It helps to train up with your best friend, especially when you have as many stupid questions as I have. Rachel is so generous in sharing her knowledge and style, something that's not altogether common in the world of Photography. I promise to give back when I'm half as brilliant!
Thanks, Rach x

Hot off the Press

The editorial team at Cambridge First asked me to photograph the launch of this year's Poppy Appeal in the city. It really was a task, following those tall, handsome soldiers through the streets of Cambridge!
But hey, it was worth the hard slog - I got published!

Thursday 3 November 2011

St, John's College, Cambridge

I was asked to photograph the Beaufort Society event at St John's College on Saturday and what an event it was! It started with a champagne reception. I had the chance to take a portrait of all of the distinguished guests as they arrived.

After an official welcome, the guests took their seats in the amazing Great Hall for lunch. They were entertained by guest speaker and alumnus, Frederic Raphael who, among other achievements, wrote the screenplay for 'Far from the Madding Crowd'.

This was followed with a performance by music graduates from the college. You could hear a pin drop!

After lunch, the guests enjoyed tours of the college and talks by the Catering Manager, Bursar and Senior Lecturers.

A favourite for me was the portrait tour by Dr Nicholls. He was a truly inspirational presenter.

The day rounded up with tea in the Master's Lodge. A real privilege for me. I did wonder where the telly was, though...I'm sure a condition for the master hosting such an event in he and his wife's home was that we were all turfed out in time for XFactor!!

Little Button Nose

It is such a pleasure to continue to work with Julie of Little Button Nose. Her gorgeous wedding stationary just keeps on coming as she designs for each of her clients specifically.

These are a couple of her latest creations. I was so lucky to have great weather whilst shooting at the end of last month.

I get so inspired when putting props together to photograph products. I genuinely love it.

Keep 'em coming, Julie! Thank you xx

Wednesday 2 November 2011


Remember these gorgeous things that Katie Beeke at Lula makes? I photographed a few of them earlier in the year. Well, big news...Lula's going big time and is shortly to be found for sale on the brilliant notonthehighstreet.com. It's one of my favourite shopping sites.

You might recognise my favourite little model, here! The stunningly beautiful Seven Alexis (proud Auntie!)

I had the most brilliant time selecting props for each doll. It was a collaborative process. They all had their own personalities and ideas about how they wanted to be photographed. They were very professional and didn't move an inch once they were in position!

This gorgeous doll belonged to my mum when she was a little girl. She suited Katie's hand made doll's bedding so perfectly.

So, keep a look out for Christmas shopping ideas and please do contact Katie if you're anywhere near as in love with her things as I am. www.lulahandmade.co.uk

Thursday 20 October 2011

Otis in the Autumn

It was the most perfect October day last Saturday, when I went to Tooting Bec Common with Sally, Rob and the one and only, Otis Jones...

Otis was quite the little model. Fascinated by apples and leaves falling from the tree, he was a dream to photograph.

The giggles were helped along by mummy who had some real crazy dancing going on behind my head!

Otis adored being on daddy's shoulders. Check out the beautiful light filtering through the trees!

Otis is a most gorgeous boy. A little cherub...

...and quite the professional. He's got swagger!!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

80th Birthday Party

Last Saturday there was a rather special gathering at Menzies Hotel, Cambridge.

These cousins all gathered with the rest of their family to celebrate their grandma's 80th Birthday.

The family is really musical and everyone brought their instruments.

These are some of my favourite shots of the day.

There was one star of the show, as usual. She adored the balloons. Don't we all?!

The gorgeous little Amy kept everyone amused throughout the day...and kept me on my toes for the family portrait shoot!


Thanks for a brilliant day, everyone. x

Rachel and Jared

This handsome, Oxbridge pair are getting married next year. Jared is about to take a job in Jersey so he and Rachel decided to have an engagement shoot before he left.

The rain kept stopping and starting so we took the opportunity to get some shots outside their wonderful little home, situated right on Cambridge's Midsummer Common.

Once the rain had stopped, we made the most of the beautiful evening.

Rachel is an amazing rower so we stopped at her college boat club for a few shots.

I know Cambridge is very special to Rachel and Jared so these pictures will help them remember their time there.

I thought their stunning outfits deserved some grandeur...I'd been saving this location for just the right couple!

One for the new desk, perhaps, Jared!