Monday 14 May 2012

Lula Handmade T-Shirts

Possibly the highlight of my commercial photography career to date...

After moths of planning and sewing, Katie bit the bullet and we had a brilliant couple of days shooting with some absolutely A Class models!

Makes me feel all proud to be a woman when I think what we achieved together, Katie and I...

Katie is one of the nicest and most talented people I know. I hope I've done her beautiful designs justice.

...and as for the models...could you ask for anything more?

Everyone was so professional even though few of them hadn't done anything like this before...

Katie's friend, Georgie more than kindly leant us her house for the shoot,

It was a perfect space to work in and then kids felt really at home...well quite naughty in fact!

Thank you all, especially Georgie, Katie and all the mums, for a great couple of days. Worth it, I think you'll agree!!

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