Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Beautiful African Baby, Amelie

My sister's best friend, Hannah, went to live in Mozambique. As well as applying all her great arts management skills to helping NGO's get better, she also found herself a lovely husband and, as if she couldn't fit any more amazingness in, along came Amelie!

Hannah, I can't believe how your life has changed in the last couple of years. You truly are a very special person and have created a beautiful family.

Hannah and Bruno were relaxed and seemed to really enjoy the shoot, despite me demanding Mozambique temperatures in the room we were in at Hannah's parents' house.

Hannah, Bruno and Amelie go back to live in Mozambique a little later this month. I've had an invitation to go visit! Yes pleeeeeease!

Wishing you all the love in the world in your new home. You and Africa are lucky to have each other. x

Assisting Dominic Whiten in Mayfair

The wonderful and talented Mr Dominic Whiten asked me to assist him on a rather special wedding. Of course, I leapt at the chance as soon as he mentioned Mayfair!

My job was to catch the groom awaiting his bride...

Dom stepped back and let me get a few of the stunning Kate before she walked up the aisle. Lucky me!

My number one mission was to get a nice wide shot of the ceremony. Tick!

I was able to take a bit of a step back when the couple came out of the church, allowing me to catch the happy couple unawares, whilst Dom did all the hard work of gathering the groups.

I always learn so much when I work with Dom. He's got such a personable manor...he always makes his couples (and their guests in this case) feel comfortable and most of all he's exceptional at getting the shots he wants 'in camera'...something I'm trying to perfect.

And so the day continued at the fabulous Connaught...

...and Dom talked through how to use the soft light in The Moon Garden.

It helped to have such a model couple. Kate wore a Rosa Clara dress and the flowers were by McQueens.

The whole wedding just oozed quality. You should keep an eye on Dom's blog for the official wedding photographs. Be prepared to get blown away!! Thank you Dom, for an amazing opportunity. x

Monday 14 May 2012


The gorgeous, Sian asked me to take some pictures of her beautiful baby. I had a brilliant trip to Chelsea and loved every minute of photographing possibly the wiggliest baby in the world and her stunningly beautiful mummy!

Sian, you and Amelie are just so special. I wish you so much happiness in your lives together. x

The Norwood School

So, I got to go back to skooool a second time! Awesome! More fish and chips school dinner on a Friday! Ideal!

This lot are about to leave school. They're such a great group. I learnt a lot hanging out with them! Could have stayed there all day!

With some serious study in the library...

...and all immaculately dressed...

The kids at The Norwood school did themselves and their school proud yet again. I'll never forget that music lesson. Nearly brought me to tears! Thank you all again for another brilliant day. x

Lula Handmade T-Shirts

Possibly the highlight of my commercial photography career to date...

After moths of planning and sewing, Katie bit the bullet and we had a brilliant couple of days shooting with some absolutely A Class models!

Makes me feel all proud to be a woman when I think what we achieved together, Katie and I...

Katie is one of the nicest and most talented people I know. I hope I've done her beautiful designs justice.

...and as for the models...could you ask for anything more?

Everyone was so professional even though few of them hadn't done anything like this before...

Katie's friend, Georgie more than kindly leant us her house for the shoot,

It was a perfect space to work in and then kids felt really at home...well quite naughty in fact!

Thank you all, especially Georgie, Katie and all the mums, for a great couple of days. Worth it, I think you'll agree!!


Sarah and Meng's Pre-Wed Shoot

I am photographing Sarah and Meng's wedding at in Cambridge this year - hooray!

The couple met at Cambridge University and will marry in Selwyn College. They love Cambridge but at the moment are living near the beautiful Greenwich so they invited me to come and photograph them in the park a few weekends ago. Of course I jumped at the chance with spring blossom in mind!

We had a fabulous day for the shoot. The weather was fantastic.

Thank you for lunch, both of you...and for letting Diesel find a new friend in Benny. He's been talking about him and the other animals ever since!

I can't wait to photograph Sarah and Meng's wedding in July. Bring on the summer!


My new baby nephew. He is perfect. x