Tuesday 21 February 2012

Planes, Bikes and Bumble Bees!

Ian and Larisa are dear friends of mine and it was so good to spend some quality time with Dylan, their little boy. He's such a character!

Dylan is just so bold. He loves his bike and uses it for big adventures. It was as much as we could all do to keep up with him!

Ian made some paper aeroplanes for Dylan to fly. They flew so much better with the aid of his special flying goggles!

There was a buzzing in the bushes and sure enough, when Dylan looked VERY closely, there was a busy bumble bee - who'd have thought? - at this time of year!!

Like many an explorer before him, Dylan took a tumble and scratched his nose. He was so brave. Luckily, mummy and daddy had some raisins to hand. Someone else had their eye on them too!

It wasn't long before we were all smiles again and I was able to get some final shots.

With beautiful light to boot, it was a joy to photograph my gorgeous friends.

Thank you for the lovely pub lunch and for being wonderful you. You're amazing. x

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