Friday 22 April 2011

Sophie and Alex are Getting Married!

This gorgeous pair actually got engaged in Spain in 2009 so I thought it was about time I took some photographs... especially now they're about to set the date! Sophie and Alex came to stay with me in Cambridge so I had the chance to take them to some of my favourite locations.

It was a beautiful Spring day and the flowers were in full bloom, as was Sophie and Alex's love for each other. They really are an amazing couple and I am so excited to be a bridesmaid at their wedding later this year.

Sophie and I had been to the wedding open day at Burwash Manor the day before where we bought lollipops from Joali. They were perfect props for Alex to have us in fits of laughter with. Don't they look fab?!!

At last the summer's here! We had such a relaxing and fun weekend. Enjoy the planning, guys. Can't wait!

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