Wednesday 14 November 2012

Happy Birthday Zac!

Anyone who knows me of old will know my dear dear friend, Sanj. We were as thick as thieves at Uni...and our hair was the same length!

Meet Zac! This is Sanj and Katie's little boy and it was his first birthday the other day.

It's so funny seeing little flashes of Sanj's personality and expressions in Zac.

...but for some reason, it just seems so natural that Sanj is such a wonderful daddy!

We all went for a walk (or a toddle) down to the Thames in Teddington, London, where Sanj, Katie and Zac live. 

Zac is just so in to EVERYTHING! 

...although you're never quite sure of exactly what he's pointing at or where he's going next!

He sure does look like his mummy...

...but I'm pretty sure I know where he learns all his naughty tricks!!

How cute?!

See what I mean?!!

Thank you for such a lovely afternoon y'all! So great to see you. Love always.
 ; )

Friday 9 November 2012

Becky and Matt in the Autumn

It must have been the coldest day of the year so far but the sun was shining on Becky and Matt for their lovely shoot in Granchester last month.

I had the pair of them straight in to action as the light was so beautiful outside the Green Man pub! They were just shining models, so happy to be together.

Becky and Matt have to spend long periods of time apart as Matt works off shore - wow! It is clear that they make the most of their time together, though and they have an exciting new chapter of life ahead of them when they move to the West Midlands, where Matt's from.

Becky is going to train to be a nurse. At the moment she is an aerobics instructor at the local hospital gym. Matt really does have the perfect girl, huh?! - not to mention the fabulous, photo shoot birthday present!

I love these shots. As romantic as Granchester is, they could almost be in Paris with that old fashioned street lamp...

We had fun finding the light in the woods at Byron's Pool...

...and trying to stay warm at the same time!

Matt had both Becky and I giggling away with his crazy woodland antics! Check out those shoes!

It was just so easy to capture the warmth between these two, despite the temperature!

Amazing Autumn colours!

There was only one place to go for a nice cup of tea...The Orchard. Best cakes EVER!

We just about had enough time for alfresco tea and cake before a huge black cloud formed over our heads!

Thanks for being a brilliant couple to photograph, you two! I can't believe how lucky we were with the weather! I hope you didn't get caught in the torrential downpour ten minutes later!!! xx